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February 28, 2006
Sorry I have been away for a while, but life is transitions! We are in the process of preparing for our son to go off to college and if that’s not a life transition, nothing is. It brings up all of the concerns and worries that every parent faces. Is my child ready to be on his own? Have we done a good enough job of preparing him for a life away from us? And the really important questions - how is he going to figure out the washing machine and will he be able to boil water for his cup-o-soup!?!
As I said in an earlier entry, being psychic is just another aspect to your personality. It doesn’t give you all the answers and it’s not like you can just “know” what is going to happen at any place or time. It really all comes down to trust. Trust in God, trust in your intuition and trust that life’s path will open a direction for you when you need it. And it doesn’t hurt that cell phones and computers can keep you in touch 24/7!!
This transition also affects our family’s home life in that we are now three at the table instead of four, and in a few short years it will just be me and my husband. This is a good thing! I see my job as a parent to prepare our children to be successful and independent on their own and I think we have done a pretty good job with these two. They will go forth and face transitions of their own and will learn to love and grow in the process – as have we all.
Posted by Linda Dalton at 10:34 AM | Comments (1)